Other services



Domiciliation of companies

Many companies like yours do not need their own premises, their activities require neither the employment of staff nor the use of their own facilities.  However, they must have by law a head office.

These companies can choose their domiciliation with a third party, most often a trust company.

Current tasks of the domiciliary are mainly the reception and mail transfer. Conditions for the exercise of the mandate are fixed by contract.

A domiciliation does not imply any right of representation. We domicile companies at our addresses (Geneva or Vevey).


Mandate of director

You may be faced with this need in the following cases: either by legal obligation in case of residence outside of Switzerland or by conscious choice. The mandates of directors of companies involve numerous obligations some of which are inalienable, fixed by law.

Some entrepreneurs do not want to engage in such obligations. Thus, they employ more experienced administrators in the obligations arising from such a function.

Other entrepreneurs go even further by fully delegating this function.

These mandates require very great trust between the mandate (owner of the business) and his administrator.

On one hand, the administrator has by law broad powers over the affaires of the company which he directs and which he often endorses by his signature. On the other hand, the administrator assumes very important personal responsibilities for the client’s account. He also must therefore have full confidence in his client.


We agree to analyze in advance any suggestions regarding the opportunity to become your administrator.

Procedure during the passage to MCH2

We accompany you for the procedure during the passage to MCH2.

In addition to a greater harmonization, the MCH2 also aims to improve the transparency of financial information, to present public accounts in a more coherent manner, to move towards accounting principles applied and recognized on an international standards and to meet the requirements of financial statistics.

To learn more: